
Body ⏏

Body mixin representing the body of a request or response. A body can be used through one of the class methods after which is can not be used again.

Kind: Exported class

new Body([body])

[body]String | FormData''

body.text() ⇒ Promise.<String>

Uses body and returns a Promise that resolves the body.

Kind: instance method of [Body](#exp_module_body--Body)

body.json() ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Uses body and returns a Promise that resolves a parsed JSON object from the body.

Kind: instance method of [Body](#exp_module_body--Body)

body.formData() ⇒ Promise.<FormData>

Uses body and returns a Promise that resolves an instance of FormData.

Kind: instance method of [Body](#exp_module_body--Body)